homemade chicken and ground beef taquitos with wholly guacamole and homemade salsa!
warmed up the corn tortillas in the microwave until soft. put a spoon full of meat inside and rolled them up. fried them in a shallow pan with oil. fry until brown on both sides. I put ground beef in the half moon shaped ones and chicken in the round ones! My sister gave my some chicken to take home from her house the night before.
Ground beef- 3.98
tortillas- free from Martha
carrots that I sauteed with the ground beef - .25
sour cream- staple
home made salsa- free from Martha
wholly guacamole-2.00 I but it from Costco 3 little containers for 6.00 I used one tonight. I keep them in the freezer
Dinner total= 6.98 divided by 5 is 1.39 for dinner!
There is not enough information in regards to this dinner. How did yo fry them? In a fry daddy? or a pan? What is inside? What the heck?
Total cost/breakdown. Don't get lazy on your loyal followers.
ok ok i did it!!!
I love wholly guacamole. And I buy it from Costco too!! Thanks for posting these, I always can use new recipe ideas.
I never would have thought you to be a person who loves to cook. But your pictures and meals are so mouthwatering just looking at them. Nice job Sarah.
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