We enjoyed a fun filled day of fishing and camping. Ray came home and BBQ'd Ribs and sausage for dinner. Mom made Kraft Mac and Cheese and that was dinner. We had chips and home made salsa for a snack before dinner. Ray makes really good ribs. They just fall off the bone and are super tender. He uses pork back ribs from Costco and Santa Maria seasoning as a rub. When the ribs are almost done he slathers them in Sweet baby Rays BBQ sauce and they are off the hook GOOD!!!! We just eat them right off the grill with
The ribs were 23.89 for 3 racks
The sausage were 6.00
Sweet baby Ray's BBQ Sauce 10 for$10 Albertsons. I have at least 10 at all times in my pantry!!! 1.00
2 boxes of Mac and Cheese came out of Granny's pantry!! Free
30.89 divided by 5 is 6.19 high for dinner but oh so good and we are campin' gotta have ribs!!!
one penny more than Mcdonalds and We have 2 racks of ribs left and 8 sausage . We will get 2 meals out of this for sure!
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