First I wanna say LESSON LEARNED-!! Henley's was able to recover most of my photos but I defiantly learned a big lesson. I was very sad to thank that I lost all those pictures SO fast! I am going to purchase an external hard drive today and back-up all my pictures. While I have most of them on CD. I do not have them ALL. I am going to make it a priority to upload 2-3 times a week. Anyhow LESSON LEARNED. I have heard it from too many people this week about photo protections and they are ALL right. I am taking good advice and fixing the problem TODAY-!! Thank you. Also NEVER hit format on your camera! It was a very expensive mistake.
ON to my daily journal. Thursday we went to Anaheim and you all know why?? DISNEY!!! WhewWHOO... We had a great time. We went to help "celebrate" Megan Goudge's 5th birthday. It was a really fun day. We did a a lot . We went with the PRO Pam and her side kick PRO Eve. They are the best. We either had a fast pass, a baby switch pass or a serious plan for everything we did. FUN!!
It's a small world was Isaiah's first ride. We also rode Winnie the pooh,"Crazy Train",haunted mansion,star tours,Buzz light-year blaster,space mountain,Peter Pan,Autotopia. Joshua and I rode Space mountain together and I screamed SO loud. I don't think I have been on that since I was like 13.Joshua loved it . Joshua is 44 inches and he had a great time. He can ride mostly every ride now. It is so much fun once they reach that 42 inch mark !!! I had my first Mint Julep and many other fun things through out the day. Thanks Pam and Eve for inviting us. He had so much fun Joshua was asleep before we left the parking structure.
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