I am going to sleep in the PJ'S that I wear for Pajama day tomorrow OK Mom? Today starts another week here at the Lefotu Lounge. We are settled back in from the weekend and Joshua was ready to go to school this morning. We are just going to hang out today and get some laundry done and Isaiah and Joshua have a DR apt this afternoon. Our fast food challenge was SUPER challenging while out of town. I have to say we HAD to cheat 2 times this weekend. We had Mcdonalds at 7 am in the morning before the party(the party did not start until 12 noon.We went early to help set up and cook and Joshua could not wait he was hungry.We also had lunch at a restaurant on the Santa Monica peer.It was an unplanned fun day and I was NOT prepared for lunch. We are back home and sticking with our plan of no fast food, It has saved us SO much money this month and it so much healthier for our whole family. It really is eaiser than you think or at least eaiser than I thought. We just plan ahead and make sippy cups and water bottles before we leave. I pack snacks and lunch if we are going to be away from home and I am saving a lot. Hope your challenges are going well too!!! BTW the way I started the book and I am really enjoying it so far!!!
2 years ago
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