2 years ago
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Trona for the weekend without a camera UGH
Saturday we hung out with my mom and dad and visited. We gave Isaiah a nap and my dad a nap and then we tried to clean out a couple of totes in the back room. We didn't get very far, Saturday night we went out to Aunt Carols around 4 p.m. and let Joshua play in her front yard with Aiydin and Correna and rode the Chopper and We visited outside for a while. We had Tacos for dinner and then we came home. Joshua had a lot of fun he played outside with the neighbor kids most of the time and he watched a couple of movies in the spare bedroom. My mom bought him a TV with a DVD so he could watch cartoons and PaPa could still watch his westerns and every one would be happy . Everyone was happy this weekend Yeah.
Friday, February 27, 2009
feb 27th
Black history day (Did you feed my cow and The world is a rainbow)
CoCo,Mom,Dad,Isaiah and Auntie Sarah came to watch the performance. After school we packed up and went to Trona for the weekend to see my mom and dad. We had a great weekend. Friday we had dinner at my mom's with Aunt Carol and Correna.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The world is a rainbow!!!
First time eating carrotsToday was supper club I made sausage spaghetti and cherry cheesecake. I went shopping this morning. Tomorrow is Tanners birthday we are going to dinner in the evening. Joshua has a black history month assembly on friday at 9:15 am. He is singing the world is a rainbow. He has been practicing all week
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
pj yeah
Monday, February 23, 2009
Feb 23rd
I am going to sleep in the PJ'S that I wear for Pajama day tomorrow OK Mom? Today starts another week here at the Lefotu Lounge. We are settled back in from the weekend and Joshua was ready to go to school this morning. We are just going to hang out today and get some laundry done and Isaiah and Joshua have a DR apt this afternoon. Our fast food challenge was SUPER challenging while out of town. I have to say we HAD to cheat 2 times this weekend. We had Mcdonalds at 7 am in the morning before the party(the party did not start until 12 noon.We went early to help set up and cook and Joshua could not wait he was hungry.We also had lunch at a restaurant on the Santa Monica peer.It was an unplanned fun day and I was NOT prepared for lunch. We are back home and sticking with our plan of no fast food, It has saved us SO much money this month and it so much healthier for our whole family. It really is eaiser than you think or at least eaiser than I thought. We just plan ahead and make sippy cups and water bottles before we leave. I pack snacks and lunch if we are going to be away from home and I am saving a lot. Hope your challenges are going well too!!! BTW the way I started the book and I am really enjoying it so far!!!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The van
Thursday we packed for the weekend and went to Bob's bait bucket to pick up Manoah's Steeler chair,got hair cuts,Simply Scrapbooks(for stickles),Winco for more Cocoa and coffee for Pappy,cigarette store(for Pappy) and then home to load the car and drive to Corona. When we arrived we ironed on most of the kids names for the goodie bags and finished some of the cocoa's.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I am attempting to read a real book from cover to cover!
Today was MOPS one of my favorite days of the month. Each month we have a theme and this month the food theme was foods that kids love. I decided to make a dirt cake. It was super cute I put it in a flower pot with some flowers. Chocolate cake,chocolate pudding and smashed Oreo cookies on top. I will post a picture soon. You can also put it in a dump truck like I said yesterday a sand pail,or individual cups with candy worms. It turned out really well. Today we had a panel of women discussing home schooling. It was SUPER interesting. We also had a speaker on Kindergarten readiness . I enjoyed the morning!!!
I came home and cleaned up the house a little and worked on some Mickeys. I only have like 12 left YEAH......
This evening was book-club another one of my favorite days of the month. Coco came over and Baby-sat the boys. Raima is at work. She cleaned the kitchen, finished laundry,bathed Joshua and put him to bed,fed Isaiah cereal,took out my trash,organized my fridge,found my zip-lock stash in the laundry room. LOL,fed Pappy and Joshua dinner,gave Pappy his medicine and dessert. Now that is what I call a babysitter!!!!! and she is free!!!!!! I had dinner from supper club in the oven when I left but other than that she did the rest. Thanks Coco..... My sisters are fabulous. Linda was here too when I got home so the 3 of us visited and hung out for a little while this evening and it was nice. I don't know what I would do with out my sissy's / Thanks girls for always being there for me . Linda lives right around the corner from me and is here at the drop of a dime WHENEVER I need her. She always watches the kids, she picks up Pappy's laundry twice a week and drops it off clean and folded. I am very lucky to have both of you in our lives. My boys are even Luckier!
So my friend Carrie brought some books to book-club tonight. You see that sounds fine but we belongs to a scrapbook "book-club" not a reading book "book-club. She really wants me to start reading because I can shamefully say the only book I have ever read from cover to cover is The bridges of Madison County about 10 years ago. I do read my bible everyday and that is it!!! She has challenged me to read a book before next book-club meeting. I have accepted her challenge and chose The Pilot's Wife by Anita Shreve. She brought 3 books to choose from. This is the first one I am going to attempt. Thank you Carrie for the challenge. I have agreed that when I sit down to nurse Isaiah I will read this book. I will probably read it out loud to him as that is what I do with my Real Simple magazine I read while I nurse. I am going to try !!!
Speaking of challenges how is everyone doing on the No fast food?? I am doing great! I have only cheated one time and it was NOT my fault and I am NOt counting it!! LOL... I went to Costco with my friend Pam Goudge and she offered to buy Joshua and I a Costco dog. I explained to her that we would pass because it is No fast food February and She insisted that she buy our lunch. So I decided that it was OK because I was not spending my own money and if I were to go home and make lunch I really was going to have hot dogs. So we had a Costco dog and a soda . Thank you Pam for lunch. Other than that we have still had NO fast food and only had dinner in a actual restaurant one time this entire month. Pappy took us to Chinese food because his daughter from Missouri was here to visit. But it had no drive thru and it was a planned event. So how are you all doing ????
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Feb 15th
Saturday we didn't do much we hung out here and visited with Sissy and BBQ'd Ribs. After dinner we took Sissy to Ranch Market so she could see the cow head and to Crystal Palace so she could see inside and the bronze statues. She had a lot of fun.
Sunday we took Sissy back to the airport and Sarah Swan came over to get Joshua. They hung out at Moe's all day and Me and Isaiah hung at home. Raima went back to work on Sunday. Today we are going to make a dirt cake for MOPS tomorrow . My friend Carrie called this afternoon and gave me a fabulous idea. I am going to put it in a dump truck and take it to MOPS. YEah how cute! I will take a picture for you ! We are also going to Nikki's for dinner and making Flubber! (with borax and glue another great idea from Carrie) A nice inside activity on the gloomy day !!!
Sunday we took Sissy back to the airport and Sarah Swan came over to get Joshua. They hung out at Moe's all day and Me and Isaiah hung at home. Raima went back to work on Sunday. Today we are going to make a dirt cake for MOPS tomorrow . My friend Carrie called this afternoon and gave me a fabulous idea. I am going to put it in a dump truck and take it to MOPS. YEah how cute! I will take a picture for you ! We are also going to Nikki's for dinner and making Flubber! (with borax and glue another great idea from Carrie) A nice inside activity on the gloomy day !!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
I won the fabulous week end getaway to Scrap-n-away. I left a comment every day and sure enough I won .. I love Bonnie and Mark and if you have never gone to Frasier Park you need to go with me . It is so fun. I WON I WON I WON >>> YEAH YEAH YEAH > I AM EXCITED TODAY> HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO ME HUH? YEAH YEAH > Go to her blog regularly she is going to do random give aways....She was giving this weekend away for Valentines. I have left a comment for almost 19 or 20 days now.. WHOO HOOO>>>> I am excited!!!!!!!! her blog is scrap-n-away.blogspot.com
Friday, February 13, 2009
Friday Griselda came and Raima and I went shopping for our Taco Party. We went to Smart and final and Ranch Market. Then we picked up Megan and Joshua from Pam's house and came home to get ready for the Fiesta. It was a lot of fun we had 27 adults and 8 children for Tacos. I had SO much fun . It was great getting together for NO reason and having a good dinner with good company. Thanks all that came can't wait for the next one.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Feb 12th
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Feb 11th
Today Nicole came over to cut Pappy's hair and she hung out for awhile.She brought Joshua a Valentines movie and told him he was her sweetheart. He was very excited. I had supper club. I made ham and cheese puff pastry sandwiches and potato soup.I have been working on the Magical Cocoa all week. I have to a little at a time. With Isaiah you never know how long I have. Went to F and M fabric today to get the fabric and ribbon I need to complete my jars. We also went to the dollar tree to get Joshua some candy for is VALEMTIMES Party.. I love him!!!. We filled out his cards tonight and he wrote his name 26 times. WOW.... He did a great job. one time he just wrote JO and I said your almost done there "Joe". He just laughed my name is not Joe mom... LOL...He is so cute. He is doing much better on his name he stills had a little trouble with the "S" but other than that he has got it !!! Tomorrow Sissy arrives from Missouri. She is pappy's daughter. She will be here until Sunday! Friday is Taco Tuesday on Friday night LOL!!!
Today Nicole came over to cut Pappy's hair and she hung out for awhile.She brought Joshua a Valentines movie and told him he was her sweetheart. He was very excited. I had supper club. I made ham and cheese puff pastry sandwiches and potato soup.I have been working on the Magical Cocoa all week. I have to a little at a time. With Isaiah you never know how long I have. Went to F and M fabric today to get the fabric and ribbon I need to complete my jars. We also went to the dollar tree to get Joshua some candy for is VALEMTIMES Party.. I love him!!!. We filled out his cards tonight and he wrote his name 26 times. WOW.... He did a great job. one time he just wrote JO and I said your almost done there "Joe". He just laughed my name is not Joe mom... LOL...He is so cute. He is doing much better on his name he stills had a little trouble with the "S" but other than that he has got it !!! Tomorrow Sissy arrives from Missouri. She is pappy's daughter. She will be here until Sunday! Friday is Taco Tuesday on Friday night LOL!!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Feb 10th
Mario KArt
Tuesday, We went back to school and it was Raima's last day to work. YEah.. He is home for 4 days.... Joshua and I played Mario Kart and waited for Daddy to get home. He went fishing.Isaiahis getting big he is still nursing a lot and aaking 2 naps a day. Joshua is loving preschool and we are just movin' and a groovin' here. The photo today is something I see EVERYDAY my little guy nursing .
Monday, February 9, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Feb 8th
Sunday Isaiah and I slept in.We hung out here I got our laundry done for the week. Sarah Swan came over sunday night, to our surprise and Moe and her are back together. She hung out for a little while and watched HGTV. Our favorite thing to watch and Joshua was so excited to see his Auntie Sarah. So still no FAST FOOD for us.. How is everyone else doing?. It is SUPER hard,but we are saving so much money and calories. Let me know!!!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
Feb 6th
Just me and Isaiah for the whole weekend. Linda picked up Joshua and took him to Trona for the whole weekend. He was so excited to go see Granny and Papa. Oh yeah and his cousins..He had a blast although it did rain so he hung out with Auntie Linda and Granny while they cleaned out some closets and then he went to Aunt Carol's and played with his cousins. Linda took him to the horse corrals on Sunday and then to Auntie Joan's for dinner and to play with Uncle John. He had so much fun all weekend , He came home exhausted. Friday afternoon Raima and I went to the 32nd annual sportsman show out at the fairgrounds. It was very interesting. There was a fish tank with professional fisherman teaching techniques,a trout pond, lots of booths with cool stuff. We had a nice "date". Friday night I went to Linda and Rick's for poker night.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Feb 5th
Thursday I didn't do much Raima went fishing with some friends in the rain. I stayed home and hung out with the boys. I love it when it rains. Thursday night I went to to our last Close to my heart meet-up. It was fun. We laughed, told funny stories,made a really cute little wall hanging ( I gave to my my mom and dad),It was a lot of fun. I am going to miss them.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Feb 4th
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Joshua loves Mrs Sherry(MOPPETS) Tuesday I went to MOPS and it was great. Sue did her famous SEX talk. WOW. It was a lot of fun. We learned some and laughed. We also learned how to do a blanket stitch on a felt heart stocking.UGH That is clearly not my forte... I came home and Marlene,Diamond and Benji came over for a play date and we made lunch,the kids hung out, played and we made 20 Mickey's for Manoah's hot Cocoa on the 21st . I am trying to get ahead start on them . We also played outside for a long time. Supper club is so nice while we are outside enjoying ourselves and the kids were playing Eve pulls up and delivers my home made dinner. YUMMY. Chicken noodle soup and chocolate gnash cake. Now that is relaxing to know I can stay outside with Joshua and play as long as we wanted because dinner is made and delivered to my door with no worries. Last night we went to Target to get a couple of needed items Diapers,paper plates (for a craft from Carrie),waffle maker,and a 2 different kinds of binky's. UGH Isaiah is using me as a human pacifier and I want him to take a binky so bad but he just make a sour face and gags every time we give one to him. So we bought 2 more but different shaped and same thing he acts like we put ear wax on it before we give it to him. LOL . He makes the worst face.. What to do with this child that only wants my milk out of my boob... NO bottle NO binky.. I know it is just for season in my life but come on I need a little break ....LOL.
Monday we went back to school got back into routine after staying up late on Sunday. We didn't do much I caught up on the laundry and Pam came over for a little while the kids played outside it was a very nice day. While she was here we cut out hearts for our MOPS craft on Tuesday. Linda came over and exercised on the WII and so did I she has lost 4 pounds and I have lost 2. YEAH.. Picture of Isaiah in the bath
Monday, February 2, 2009
Dear Jesus
I just wanna say conviction! I have not been to church since Christmas Eve. Knowing that I needed to go but dreading the process of getting there. I woke up Sunday morning and laid Joshua's clothes out so he could get dressed,brushed his teeth for him because he is not doing a very good job lately,washed his face,helped him tie his shoes. Woke Isaiah up and changed him,washed him up,got him dressed. I took a super fast shower,got ready,dressed, put Isaiah in his carrier and out the door late but on our way. one grumpy 4 year old with a banana and apple juice,one 3 month old and infant car seat,one bible bag,one diaper bag,and no husband... UGh Raima is a work today. It felt like a really long morning. Once we got to church we were greeted by Pam's smiling face and a happy Sunday school class for Joshua. Great message,good fellowship,praise and some conviction. A good thing.... We left Church feeling energized and blessed. The best part of the day was when we were leaving our house to go to Nikki's for the super-bowl. Joshua said "Mommy say this,Dear Jesus". Mom 'Dear Jesus'. Joshua "I love you, Jesus and I give you my heart" Mom- 'I love you, Jesus and I give you my heart'. Joshua "Thank you for everything you are good" Mom- 'Thank you for everything you are good.' Joshua "Amen" Mom- 'Amen. Joshua that was a nice prayer thank you'. Joshua "You are welcome Mama! Jesus loves us Huh?" Mom- "Yes, son he does and never forget that ok!!!!" Joshua "I won't Mom I like church". I am SO glad I did not sleep in on Sunday . Thank you Lord for all you do in my life! SARAH
3d glasses for superbowl
Sunday, February 1, 2009
No Fast Food February!!!
We are not going to eat fast food for the whole month of February! We are going to save money and calories. I have decided to try it for just a month. It is so convenient sometimes to just drive thru and pick something up for lunch or even dinner. Even if we are out and about we are going to plan ahead and figure it out. We are not going to spend our money anywhere that has a drive thru. "Yikes that includes Star-bucks." I told Raima. He said "Yep no more! Let's save our money and see what a difference it makes." We added up our fast food spending just for the month of December (It was a busy month and we traveled out of town several times) and I am embarrassed of the amount. I choose not to share. January was better but but still a lot. We are really trying to save our money and get on the right track. So today our Challenge starts and I will keep you updated on how we are doing. Anyone want to join our challenge?
If you don't think you need to maybe you should start a tracker this month it will amaze you !!! My sister Linda says she NEVER eats fast food except for a salad from Jack in Box everyday for Lunch and a occasional Chai Tea latte. We added up just her salads everyday and we figured out that $1.77 everyday Monday-Friday Equaled $8.85. For the entire year if she would put $1.77 in an envelope at the end of the year she would have $460.00 that is not including her occasional Latte. Granted she does have to eat lunch but she could save more than half that if she took leftovers and made her own salad at home. I know I spend a lot more $1.77 when I get lunch thru a drive thru. So you could image how much I would save. Go ahead except my challenge save some money and go on a mini vacation this summer.$5 or $6 every now and then added to your savings account really adds up quick.
We are not going to eat fast food for the whole month of February! We are going to save money and calories. I have decided to try it for just a month. It is so convenient sometimes to just drive thru and pick something up for lunch or even dinner. Even if we are out and about we are going to plan ahead and figure it out. We are not going to spend our money anywhere that has a drive thru. "Yikes that includes Star-bucks." I told Raima. He said "Yep no more! Let's save our money and see what a difference it makes." We added up our fast food spending just for the month of December (It was a busy month and we traveled out of town several times) and I am embarrassed of the amount. I choose not to share. January was better but but still a lot. We are really trying to save our money and get on the right track. So today our Challenge starts and I will keep you updated on how we are doing. Anyone want to join our challenge?
If you don't think you need to maybe you should start a tracker this month it will amaze you !!! My sister Linda says she NEVER eats fast food except for a salad from Jack in Box everyday for Lunch and a occasional Chai Tea latte. We added up just her salads everyday and we figured out that $1.77 everyday Monday-Friday Equaled $8.85. For the entire year if she would put $1.77 in an envelope at the end of the year she would have $460.00 that is not including her occasional Latte. Granted she does have to eat lunch but she could save more than half that if she took leftovers and made her own salad at home. I know I spend a lot more $1.77 when I get lunch thru a drive thru. So you could image how much I would save. Go ahead except my challenge save some money and go on a mini vacation this summer.$5 or $6 every now and then added to your savings account really adds up quick.
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