Miss Pam picks up Joshua every day for Pre-school and I pick both of kids up after school.Today it was raining and of course he wanted to take his umbrella to school. Thanks Pam..So there is this gal in the scrapbook meet-up offering tickets to fellow meet-up girls for CHA. My friend Miss Katie came over to visit today and told me about it and she emailed the girl and we are SO going to CHA on Sunday . I called the convention center and I can bring Isaiah as long as he is in a front carrier the whole time. So excited I can hardly wait.... So I had a rather rough night last night Isaiah is congested again. So he was up most of the night because he couldn't breathe out of his nose and you know infants if they can't breathe out of their nose they think they can't breathe at all..... So I picked Joshua up from school today and Miss Pam picked up Megan to take her to Libby Lou. How fun it is that.It is days like today having a girl would be fun!!By the way if you do have a little girl everything is 1/2 price and the make overs a crazy cheap like $8.00 or something...So go to Libby Lou in the Valley Plaza... I know Daddy wants a little girl .. Maybe soon ?? Yeah right?? I came home and tried to clean my house just a little before Miss Katie came , but I couldn't get anything done, Between Joshua and Isaiah . When Katie knocked on the old door she found ME. A messy living room, a sink full of dishes from breakfast,a dirty shirt, and greasy hair . Hope you still love me Katie LOLOL.. At least Isaiah was nice a clean and dressed and Joshua went to school and My kids were happy . I guess that is all that matters. I happy home is a messy home sometimes...We had a great day ,great conversation and a great lunch OOPPS. not a lunch sorry Katie and not even a drink offered I am so bad next time just open up my cabinets and make your own LOLOL. I was so busy talking about CHA ,nursing Isaiah, trying to play Ben 10 for Josh and laughing with you I let you go thirsty!!!! Love you and glad we were able hang out today . Tomorrow is Saturday MY favorite day of the week. We are doing a whole lot of nothing!!! We are going to take a cruise out to Carrie's to see her scrapbooks and pictures on the wall. I need some serious inspiration for my kids pictures on the wall. I have a hard time with that so I am going to check out her house so I can maybe get some ideas!!!See you tomorrow Carrie. Hopefully before 11-am LOL...... Well I am off to have a bowl of tomato soup and a grilled cheese!!!
2 years ago
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