Sunday is here already and I must say I am still tired.... Yesterday OMA, (Wayne's mom) came over and stayed for a couple of hours in the morning to see the baby and let me get a shower and helped with Josh's breakfast . Then Nikki came over to get Joshua and take him away for some much needed attention . They went shopping and the back to her house to play . She brought over dinner and dessert when we were finished we watched a movie . Whale rider very good. Linda also came over yesterday and went to Target for me and did a little around the house. I had her go to Target to get a Pull Ups. Yes I said Pull ups UGH .. I can not keep washing Joshua's sheets and the last couple of weeks it has become a bad habit . He is peeing the bed almost every night. So instead of changing the sheets almost everyday I am going backwards it feels like and putting back in pull ups at night. I told him he will get a nice reward at the end of the week with no Pee-Pee in the pull up every-night . I also told him that He is not aloud to Pee in that pull up and he was going to be in trouble if he did . So I hope I scared him . HAHA. Not much scares that little boy . He has been such a hand full every since we have brought home Isaiah . Anyhow I guess we will get through it . Sunday is here and a Nicole came over and did all my laundry and helped with Joshua all day .
The Evens family also came over today to see the new edition. Addy loved the baby and. She just smiled and wanted to look look look at the Baby. Thank you guys it was nice to see you all.....Well both of the boys are sleeping so I guess mom should be too. SARAH
2 years ago
1 comment:
awwww you SOUND tired! :) Hang in there girl sounds like you're doing an awesome job! And thank goodness for all that help! It sounds like Joshua is responding pretty typically to the new babe! I would be doing the same thing with the pullups!
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