2 years ago
Friday, October 31, 2008
A Very Long Week !!!!!
Monday was Joshua's 4th Birthday and we made some grab bags for his class . I woke extra early and took him to school to deliver the bags and my now 4 year old. Wow time flies..... After school ended we went Target to get him a birthday toy . We came home and baked him a cake and took his baby brother to the Dr to get circumcised.... While at the Dr. She noticed that Isaiah was having trouble breathing and his heart was beating extra fast . She admitted Isaiah in the hospital for 48 hour observation. I called out to God and put this all in his hands. It is out of my control and I have faith that he will take care of my little man.. Thank you to ALL that came to hospital and all that prayed. It worked. The power of prayer is something magnificent. Thank you Nicole for the email and and Thank you most for making Joshua's birthday unforgettable. I love you !!!!! I don't know what I would do without either one of my sisters. Nicole took Joshua for 3 days and made his 4th birthday fabulous . and Linda sat day and night at the hospital with us . Thank you !!!!!Isaiah has been diagnosed with periodic breathing and sleep apnea. The Dr sent us home with a monitor for his heart and lungs. Sometimes Isaiah forgets to breathe and the alarm sounds . We stimulate him by rubbing his feet or hands and he remembers to breathe again . I think he is just trying to play tricks and hold his breath.. LOL.... I have to find some way to deal. He will have to be on the monitor for probably 6 months and by then he will grow out of this. For now the Lord is taking care of him and the monitor is letting mommy get some rest. We came home from the hospital on Wednesday and it was a long night but we managed. Last night was much better.... Today is Halloween and my Little man took some pictures at Candras Fall Set-up . She posted a few . I love her and the pictures. Thanks Candra. Batman and his Daddy went trick or treating and We hung out here and passed out candy... Batman was tired early so he came home to help his brother pass out the rest of the candy . Auntie Nikki came over and he had a great night. Please continue to Pray for Isaiah and our family and Thank you again to all my FRIENDS and FAMILY for your support through A VERY LONG WEEK !!!!!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Saturday morning cartoons
2 weeks check up yesterday with Dr. Klis went OK . I have damaged nerve in my right leg and it is going to take awhile for it to heal itself.There is nothing they can do except pain medication. On our way home from the Dr we took Isaiah to Joshua's class to show the kids . He has been asking everyday if he can bring his baby brother to school. All the kids were excited and Joshua was so happy. We all slept in today and then woke and watched Saturday Morning cartoons together. What a great day it is the only day of the week that we do not have some where to be and something to do . I love Saturdays because you all know I do not like routine or schedules and Saturday is the only day we get to RELAX and have fun. Be free and do what we want to do when we want to do it . I love that.... Raima and Joshua are cutting the grass and I am writing this Blog Isaiah is fast asleep I wish he would learn how to sleep a night ...LOL.... Excited for tonight We are attending the Lawhorn Annual Pumpkin Carving Party. That should be fun .
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The last couple of weeks have been great as far as meals... I have not cooked ONCE in 13 days how FAB is that. My MOPS group has brought meals everyday that Isaiah has been home excluding Saturday and Sunday and Auntie Nikki took care of us those days. I don't have to cook until October 30th. Except on the weekends. I am very GRATEFUL to have this ministry in my life. The girls are so nice, the meals have been super and the gifts and support I can not thank them enough. Thank you. We took Isaiah to Walmart today and there was no one taking pictures the girl was just standing there so we had her take his picture. Oh they were cute and the package was only $4.88. Not bad. Mona and Shorty came to visit today from Ridgecrest. Brooks had a DR apt and Mona brought Shorty to see Pappy and they stayed awhile to visit and play with Isaiah . It was nice to see Mona. Pappy bought us Pizza and we had lunch outside it was a very nice day to be outside. Isaiah even sat outside with us for a little while. Baby is crying Gotto Go!!!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
My dad is out of the nursing home and my mom took him home last night . When she got him home his blood sugar was 569 and she was in a panic she had to drive back to Ridgecrest to get him quick acting insulin . She finally had it controlled at 2 am this morning . My poor mother she has been through so much the last 3 months with my Dad. My dad had 12 mini strokes in August and he hasn't been the same since . He is still recovering and can't hardly walk or use his hands. He has been in and out of the hospital trying to regulate his blood and get the strokes under control. They decided he was doing OK enough to come and stay awhile when Isaiah was born . They were here a week and he got a cut on his hand and could not get the blood stopped. So he called his DR and they wanted him to go to LAB to get his Pro-time checked to see how thin his blood was. It was dangerously thin and My mom had to drive him to Ridgecrest at 11:30 p.m. to get him admitted in hospital . When they arrived at hospital he fell in parking lot and injured his arm and that is why he had to go to the nursing home because he can not use a walker to walk or feed himself due to his injured arm. The place was super depressing and he checked himself out yesterday and went home. My mom is going to try to get some type of therapy at home. I just PRAY that he gets better and that my mom has peace... We took Isaiah to the DR today he gained 1/2 of a pound over the weekend . He is 8lb 2 oz exactly what he was a birth . His jaundice level is 6.2 and they want us to go back on friday to check his billi and get him circumcised. Pappy also went to the DR today because his annual blood work came back urgent... his Potassium levels are super high and Kidneys are not dong well. He sees a specialist on Monday and is taking some laxative to get the potassium levels down . He gets rechecked on thursday for that.. So DR DR DR. This week for the whole fam damily ......
Sunday, October 19, 2008
PULL UPS ??????
Sunday is here already and I must say I am still tired.... Yesterday OMA, (Wayne's mom) came over and stayed for a couple of hours in the morning to see the baby and let me get a shower and helped with Josh's breakfast . Then Nikki came over to get Joshua and take him away for some much needed attention . They went shopping and the back to her house to play . She brought over dinner and dessert when we were finished we watched a movie . Whale rider very good. Linda also came over yesterday and went to Target for me and did a little around the house. I had her go to Target to get a Pull Ups. Yes I said Pull ups UGH .. I can not keep washing Joshua's sheets and the last couple of weeks it has become a bad habit . He is peeing the bed almost every night. So instead of changing the sheets almost everyday I am going backwards it feels like and putting back in pull ups at night. I told him he will get a nice reward at the end of the week with no Pee-Pee in the pull up every-night . I also told him that He is not aloud to Pee in that pull up and he was going to be in trouble if he did . So I hope I scared him . HAHA. Not much scares that little boy . He has been such a hand full every since we have brought home Isaiah . Anyhow I guess we will get through it . Sunday is here and a Nicole came over and did all my laundry and helped with Joshua all day .
The Evens family also came over today to see the new edition. Addy loved the baby and. She just smiled and wanted to look look look at the Baby. Thank you guys it was nice to see you all.....Well both of the boys are sleeping so I guess mom should be too. SARAH
The Evens family also came over today to see the new edition. Addy loved the baby and. She just smiled and wanted to look look look at the Baby. Thank you guys it was nice to see you all.....Well both of the boys are sleeping so I guess mom should be too. SARAH
Friday, October 17, 2008
Got Milk?
Raima took Isaiah back to the Dr today to make sure his jaundice levels are going down . His levels were 9 and now they are 8 they have to be below 5 before they will circumcise him. I was proud of my hubby he took him all alone to the DR. That is a first . We picked up a pizza from King Leo's on the way home to get Joshua from preschool today . We are going to have his party there we decided today . Please mark your calendars Nov 1st. Saturday 7:30 p.m. . Especially Anthony!!!! He is top on our birthday list this year and his cu-tie patootie sister too.......We came home and it feels like all I have done today is Nurse, Nurse, Nurse and then Nurse some more. Ugh it is tiring but I know it is worth it I just keep trying to tell myself that..... We had dinner delivered from a lady in my MOPS group today her name is susan and it was the bomb!!! Lemon chicken, CousCous and rolls with chocolate cake,, I haven't had to cook all week and that has been super great!!!! Joshua is adjusting to being a big brother . He is just always in the mix . Helping with burping, bath, changing and just anything he can try to help with . It is frustrating but I am being very kind to him I know his world has been turned upside down the last couple of days .. Ray went back to work tonight and I have cried for 2 hours... I want him home but I know he has to work . I wish he didn't I can't wait for these 4 days to go by so he can be home with me. I guess I will sign off now Boobs and all and I mean Boobs WOW they are big and full and I feel like a milk machine. !!!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
14 days since my last post
Sorry..... Ugh It has been a very long long 2 weeks. My Mom and Dad arrived. My phones all quit the same day. My belly was super huge. My son is a monster. My house was a wreck. My husband is my husband. Ugh . Finally October 10th we went to hospital to have our baby . We arrived at 5 am and was admitted to the triage for surgery. 8 am exactly we had a new baby boy he weighed 8 lb. and 2 oz. We named him Isaiah Maae Lefotu . He was just perfect. He did have a little problem he was have baby trembles and they though he had some bleeding in the brain . The did an ultrasound and blood work and everything was fine so the sent us home on Sunday . The 13th was a exciting day we brought our new baby home and granny and papa, Pappy and our new big brother was there to greet also the huge stork in the front yard(thanks Carrie). We were very happy to finally have him home and Joshua was very excited. He is a good baby he is nursing good and sleeping ok . The first couple of nights he slept good but last night oh man he wanted to have a party !!!! And i didn't feel like partying. Thank you for all that called and emailed and prayed for us while we were on our baby journey. Mom is tired and Dad is seeing just how much mom actually does around here . Hopefully I will be on more often I am feeling a lot better!!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Supper club
today is wednesday and it is my day to cook....... Ugh... We are having BBQ ribs in the crock pot and root beer floats not too bad my husband helped me with the ribs and I took the easy way out on dessert tonight .. give me a break I have big belly!!!! My supper club is so fabulous..Here is how it works on tuesday Eve delivers dinner homemade to my family and Pam's family and wednesday I deliver to Eve and Pam . Pam then delivers dinner on thursday to both of us and that only leaves a couple night a week I actually have to cook myself... Being a stay at home mom and on a budget you have to eat at home every night to expensive other wise. So supper club is a good way to keep some fun and variation in dinner time. Other than that is has been a pretty quiet day Joshua went to preschool and he had to take chicken broth, onion and carrots because they are making stone soup. He is very excited about that. Nicole came over this afternoon and brought us lunch she went to Jake's Tex Mex.. YUM YUM Their salads are so yummy . After lunch she took Josh to her house to hang out until after dinner Yeah . it's quiet . Ray and Moe took our couches to weatherby's today so my living room EMPTY for a couple of weeks until we get our new couches back . Our couches had a manufacture defect and they are replacing them . Big Harv and Mary Crandall will be here tomorrow and I can't hardly wait . That is my Mom and Dad. Love them .
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