While daddy went fishing for the weekend I decided to take Joshua and Isaiah to see Granny and PaPa. My dad is still very sick ad my mom loves when we come to see them . She doesn't go many places any more it is just too hard on my dad and any visitors are welcomed with opened arms and good cooking. We had a really good time in Trona. My dad is slowly recovering from his stroke and my mom is such a good care taker. She said something while I was there that really touched my heart. I commented on how hard it was to a be care giver and how serious she took for better or worse and through sickness and health. She was good wife. She told me she was told a long time ago that{you have to dance with the guy who brought you}. My parents have been married 43 years and they still love eachother. Thank you Mom for caring for my dad during this hard time. He loves you and so do I. He couldn't ask for a better wife right now. I hope one day to be half the wife that you are. I pray for you daily and the situation that you are in. I hope that Dad gets better soon. It is so hard to see him sick !
Friday, April 24, 2009
Some of the boys went fishing this weeknd to the trout opener in the High Sierra's. They stayed at a cabin in Mammoth and fished the whole weekend. The love to fish at Silver lake and June Lake. they caught a lot of fisha nd had a great weekend. Junior,Big Raima,Jack,Larry and Little Raima.I am glad you guys had fun.The pictures are some of the fish they caught and the view of June Lake
The picture of the shoes is what it looks like when 4 Samoan Men come to your house the night before a fishing trip . LOL. they all took off their slippers and started talking about what kind of bait to use..Also the first picture is of isaiah and his Uncle Junior,Raima's brother and BFF!! LOL
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
April 22nd. Raima is working and geting ready for his big fishing trip. I am hanging out and trying to get the laundry caught up before I go to trona for the week. Joshua is probably riding his scooter. His MOST favorite thing to do right now. And I isaiah is learning how to crawl. He gets faster and faster everyday!! The pictuer is of Joshua. He wants to take that scooter every where and right when we get home he wants to ride it!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
This picture is of our Kegerator on the patio. It has been getting some good use now the weather has warmed up. Especially that Pappy has been gone.While Raima is at work Joshua and I have been having relaxing evening with no cooking and I have been organizing my scrapbook stuff and having a couple of beers in the evening. One thing Raima and I love to do when he is off is BBQ with a nice cold drink. After dinner we love to pop some popcorn and watcha good movie. All I can say is life is GOOD at the Lefotu Lounge. Please stop by and have a cold one with us anytime!!!
Didn't do a whole lot today. My friend carrie came over and helped me with a digital invitation for Glory's shower. Thank you carrie. I am excited about learning how to use photoshop and She made it look so easy. Here is a sample of the invite.
Woke up REAL early and took Pappy,Sammy and Henry to the Bakersfield airport . Pappy will be gone for 2 months this time. He thinks it might be his last year to make out there(he says that every year). After I dropped them off at the airport . I was in tears!! I will miss MY pappy. I picked up Nikki after I dropped them off and we went to the 24th St. cafe for breakfast at 7-am. Then to the relay for life yard sale for Nikki's Work. It was good. Then we just decided to go Yard sailing ALL morning. We had a BLAST. We found many treasures and I did not have my camera with me all day/ UGH. The picture for today is a picture that was taken this month of Isaiah that I love.
We hung out around the house today and I packed up pappy he is going to Missouri for 2 months and he will be missed!! I got all his medicine ready. Tomorrow he leaves with Sammy and Henry. He will be back in June!!
In and Out burger for lunch. pappy hearing aid broke so Steward came out and fixed that. We went to Linda's for dinner and then to Rosemary's for Ice Cream !!!
Today was a fun day!! We went to Calm with Sammy and Henry and Pappy. It was a fun afternoon and after we went to Coco's to have tacos and strawberry shortcake. Thanks for dinner CoCo.
Sammy and Henry are here from Missiouri to visit. We picked them up from the airport yesterday and today we took them to Murray family farms and Ranch Market. We had a fun time .
HAPPY EASTER. We went to the Ranch this year for Easter Sunday. Wayne's(my sister's husband) Grandma and Grandpa's house. The kids have big Easter egg hunt and we have a potluck style lunch. It is a great day and Joshua loves the ranch he can RUN and PLAY and have super fun. In the picture is all the kids lined up to hunt for eggs. Guin and Isaiah hanging out and Joshua climbing and making mommy very nervous. Isaiah saying hi to the dog.
Fresh strawberries YUMMY YUMMY. We made strawberry shortcake today and played outside most of the day .Auntie Nikki came over and brought us a cake from the relay for life fundraiser. thanks Nik
Joshua and I went to the Sutherland to color Easter eggs. We had a really good time. Trinity and Joshua played very well together and I fell inlove with the twins. Charity and Felecity. We had an eventful afternoon. Trinty or Rosey as Joshua calls her wanted to come home and stay the night so we had a slumber party to end a fabulous day!!!
Raima's first day and off and we were so excited to see daddy we played the WII and wrestled and little. Hung out with eachother and I had supper club.We also went to the party corral to check it out. that is where we are having Isaiah's first birthday party
Well we were suppose to go to the Calvary Bible Easter egg hunt with MOPS. I woke up SUPER tired, Isaiah had a rough night and I decided to stay home and take a nap . Isaiah is teething the poor baby. Later in the day I drove down to Starbucks for a pick me up . I love a venti shaken black iced tea. No Ice,No water, with 4 splenda's. It is my favorite.
Monday Morning we went to CALM with Carrie,Brody and Stella. It was a great time. carrie drove her pink car and Josh asked if it smelled like candy inside. Pretty funny. They had craft corner for spring break so the kids colored . It was nice weather. We came home and Melissa lewis dropped her twin girls off for a little while Emma and Ashley. Joshua had fun playing with the girls. We turned the living room into a giant fort.
1) Take a picture of yourself right now. 2) No primping or preparing. 3) Just snap a picture. 4) Load the picture onto your blog. 5) Tag somebody to play along.
I Tag Anna Tremblay........And anyone else who wants to play!
Saturday Raima went back to work and Nikki and I went to the Yard Sale at Simply Scrapbooks and then we shopped at Fresh and Easy and the had lunch. We went to her house to hang out and finish the Amazing Race. The picture of the day is my treasure of the day . $5.00 adhesive gun. YEAH. those things are like $60.00. I was so happy . thanks Michelle Tarpley !!
I had supper club because I was out of town Wednesday. I didn't do much, played with Joshua and Isaiah and helped Ray organize the garage. His favorite thing to do. HaHa. I brought in the summer tub of clothes and put most of the winter clothes away, with hopes that spring is here to stay.Friday evening Linda picked up Joshua to take him to Trona for the weekend and Raima and I had a nice steak dinner and watched a movie together with little interruptions. (NICE).....
Being a stay at home mom is a struggle. I use coupons,stick to a budget, and plan ahead. I think I do pretty good for a one income home. One thing that I think I do very well is cooking at home to save us money. I rock at this...I think that I am going to try to keep this blog up about my shopping,menu planning and meals that I prepare! I hope you enjoy this new blog as much as I enjoy cooking and I hope it encourages you to make more meals at home and enjoy dinner time with your family! bon appetit!