2 years ago
Monday, August 3, 2009
August 3rd
Today I went to Lawhorns to help Carrie clean out her kitchen cabinets..FUN !! I love to organize and get rid of stuff..Especially other peoples stuff!! It is much easier to say do you really think you need that? If it isn't yours..LOL....We had a great time. She got rid of a lot of stuff for Goodwill and the kids played and played and played! We laughed until our belly hurt and Ty and Vaughn came over and hung out! All in All in a was great day! When we left there I dropped the kids off to Linda and headed to Sue's for our meeting about our Nashville trip! I can't wait to go to Nashville and attend the MOPS convention! I didn't have my camera today so I am gonna look through Carrie's pics and find one of the kids for today! HEEHEE
Friday, July 31, 2009
July 31st 2009
2nd Annual CBC MOPS Scrap-booking fundraiser....We had our annual fundraiser for MOPS at Simply Scrapbook this year. 27 crazy women signed up to scrap all weekend and help raise money for MOPS! We raised a little over $1600.00 and had a fabulous weekend. Lots of local businesses and friends donated raffle prizes and food for the weekend. We scrap booked all Friday night and all day Saturday! Thank you to everyone who came out and supported CBC MOPS and to all those who donated and volunteered to make this a successful fundraiser! (picture to follow can't find that CF card HAHA)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
July 30th 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
July 25th 2009
Today is the Lawhorn Poker Party. Swimming,Poker,hanging out with friends and celebrating Brody's 4th birthday. It was a great day...although I did not take Dan's money at poker it was still fun. We had BBQ burgers and hot dogs. Rockin' artichoke dip and Carrie's homemade salsa. A good time had by all. (Carrie if you are reading upload a pic to Shutterfly from the poker party so I can post one forgot my camera today)......
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
July 23rd
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
July 22nd
We are having a fabulous time at Lake Lopez. This morning we decided to launch the boat and go tubing. So we all pile in and pack up for a fun filled day! Ice chests, easy ups, and the boat. We are sure to have a good time. Well.... we get to the boat launch along with 25 others(literlly) and get in line to launch! There is a man at the bottom of the launch with 2 jet skis. He is taking a LONG time and has lots of people waiting!. We patiently wait for this very slow man to finish and as he was pulling his truck up the launch to park he drove by us and shouted to us how stupid he thought we were and that we should have used the middle launch instead of waiting also calling us some not very nice names. Now I am not sure if you know who I am married to or what he looks like, but he is a very large samoan man and my sisters husband is just as big and tall. In my opinion not a very smart thing to say to 2 very large men. Let alone their families. So Wayne gets angry and Ray as always kinda keeps his cool.(First I just wanna say I dont know why this man would say these things knowing that he has to walk back down the launch ALONE and get his jet skis. That was the biggest mystery.) So as he is walking back down the launch he immedialty starts to apologize and explain what a bad day he has had and how sorry he is .... Wayne explains to him that he is "going to be sorry in a minute pal" if he does not get his butt down the ramp and get his "crap" out of our way.I am using my blog profanity sensor today for sure. Wayne also pokes the man in the chest (a couple of times)!! Oh my he was now really sorry that he had spoke to us like that and scared. There was a ranger close by and ended up taking a report and the man moved his jet skis. We launched our boat and we were off for a some tubing. we laughed about it all day. "your gonna sorry in a minute Pal" about everything ALL DAY!!. Isaiah your gonna "be sorry in a minute" if you don't take a nap. Joshua your gonna "be sorry in a minute" if you don't behave. and so on and so on . So we have a new family joke. Your gonna be sorry in a minute Pal!!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
a Safari with Survivor Man-21st
This morning we woke and Wayne has the flu-Yuck.
Everyone else except for Myself and Isaiah and of course sick boy went to little falls big falls.They hiked to the falls and jumped off the rocks.fished for salamanders and brought them home in an ice chest.Saw a bear and some deer.It was a great adventure.. Raima cracked us up when they all got back to camp he said they had went on a safari with survivor man (Brett). I had a good time at camp with Isaiah we cleaned up a bit and listened to music. I gave him a bath in the sink and he took a little nap while mom had a couple of Smirnoff Ice. It was a good day. Raima made tacos for dinner and Linda and I went in to town to get ice and Wayne some medicine.
Monday, July 20, 2009
July 20th
ok so here is the master plan. Raima took Brett's truck to work last night and Linda,Brett,Joshua,Isaiah and Myself are driving the truck and trailer to Lake Lopez. Wayne,Nicole,Tanner and caleb are following in their motorhome . Raima works in Lost Hills. So it is closer for him when he gets off work at 12 to drive from there straight to the lake. We arrived at the exact same time to the lake and set up our camps. the kids took a walk around the campground and we had rib-eyes for dinner and salad and garlic bread Yum-Oh. We built a camp fire and made smores. Laughed a lot and had a great time. Tomorrow is the little falls big falls hike. See you in the morning!!!!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Well my house looks like a hurricane hit it. We are packing and getting ready to go camping. Linda and I are going shopping groceries and some stuff for camping. Nikki is going to come by and bring dinner to Pappy every night we are gone. Thaks Nik. and we are very excited to get out of this heat and to the coast for some family fun.
Friday, July 17, 2009
July 17th
I am packing the trailer for our camping trip. I have decided that I do not want to have to pack things from my kitchen to take camping. So Over the past couple of months I have been going to yard sales,goodwill and the dollar store to stock my trailer.. I have been very successful in finding everything. So I took my old raggity towels out of the my house and put them in the trailer. I had an old bathroom set of rugs and matching towels. I put those in the trailer. It also gave me an excuse to buy new towels and rugs for our house YAY!! My mom gave us some queen sheets and a comforter set for the bed. I bought a first aid kit and fire extinguisher. For the kitchen, I made a list of everything in my own kitchen that I use. Then as I bought the item I would cross it off my list. Soon I had my entire kitchen. Here is my list:
wash rags
hangers for clothes
trash can
measuring cups and spoons
8-forks,spoons and butter knifes
slotted spoon
2-serving spoons
2-wooden spoons
metal or plastic coffee cups
set of plastic drinking cups
can opener
big tupperware bowl
8-plastic plates
8-plastic bowls
big mixing bowl
serving bowl
baskets for bread and napkins and such
set of knifes
tongs for bbq and serving
bbq spatula
rubber spatula(baby cheater)
ranch shaker
cheese grater
oven mitts
cake pan
cookie sheet(small for oven)
large fry pan
small fry pan
large stock pot
small stock pot
bottle opener
filet knife
aim and flame
dish rags
dish soap
tin foil
trash bags
table cloths
duct tape
shower curtain
pen and paper
activities for kids coloring books,bubbles,etc
extra blankets
rice cooker
blender-----still need
4 qt crock pot------still need
Also my mom saves all her sour cream,cool whip and butter containers. Washes them and I out those in the trailer and we use them for cereal and storage during our trip and then we don't have so many dishes we just use them and throw them away. Thank you Mary Crandall!!
So now the trailer is ALL ready and set to go. I am just thankful that I can pack our clothes and food and jump in the truck and go camping no packing needed. It makes for a much nicer vacation when it is less work and more fun. We have all of our camping stuff in the trailer too. There is a large storage at the bottom of the trailer and we have stored our lanterns,camping chairs,tables,large grass rug,tools,sleeping bags,extra tent,easy up,cots,really everything we need. It is great to have all of that stuff out of our garage and it is really nice to know that it is ready to GO..Whenever we want to take it!! We got a really good deal on our trailer last year. We paid cash $1800.00. We have put a little money into it to get it ready. Propane tanks,a new battery,sewer hoses, a couple of fuses,new light bulbs, a minor repair to the roof and we have ourselves a working trailer. Our moto is pay cash for stuff we can afford. It is nice be able to pay cash for something and OWN it forever,rather than buy something that we can't afford and then never have any money to take it anywhere or have to spend our life a slave to our toys and our jobs. So the tip for today is own crappy stuff that works and spend more time with your family and people you love that is truly what life is about. It does not matter the size of you bank account but what matters the most is that you made a difference in the life of a child. Our children love to camp and it feels so good to pull out of that driveway and to go get lost in the campground for couple of days.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
July 16th
today I am recovering from the flu..Doing all the laundry we made and hanging out at home with the kids!!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
July 14th
Ok so NO hanford....Boo... Raima has been throwing up all night. We have been together for a little over 15 years and I have NEVER seen him Puke!!! He was so sick this flu bug is nasty!! Joshua started throwing around 9 this morning and has been down all day. Pappy is also throwing up and very weak..Oh please pray Mom does not get this...Some one has to take care of this sick house!! Joshua still has that fake smile even though he is sick!!
Monday, July 13, 2009
July 13th
Had a Dr. Appointment today with Dr , Bazmi to start a weight management program. She gave me phentrmine and a shot of
B-12. So today starts my low card and high protein diet. Yay!!! Isaiah feels much better we are going to go to Hanford tomorrow ona train trip with Gina and her summer filed trip groupl. What fun. I called Megan Goudge to see if she wanted to go with us. So Joshua could have a friend!! She is excited too. It will the first time on a train for both of them. We just hung around the house today. Isaiah is feeling alot better. He is crawling all over and I am glad he is not sick any more. I went to Goudges today and hung out. She had a little concern about "something" I went up and helped her!!! Joshua played for a while and then we came home and had dinner bath and bed!! Yay!!!!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
July 12th
No Photo taken...... We went to Crossroads this morning. We are looking for new church and Crossroads was great. I think we might just like it there. Came home and made dinner. We hung out and read books. About 10pm Isaiah started throwing up. UGH. It was very sad he threw up ALL night long . Poor little guy had a 24 hour flu bug!!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
July 8th
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
July 5th
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
July 3rd
We went to my sister Linda's and hung out all day. We made crab salad for the 4th. I tried to do her hair??? Then we went to Shafter to watch the fireworks with some friends. Linda and all her kids .Justin his new girlfriend and thier boys. April,Anthony and Addy. We sat at the park bought cool light toys from some guy and enjoyed the fireworks!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009
July 2nd
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
June 30th
We went on a tour of Winco today. We had a lot of fun. The kids tasted honey,fresh deli meat,and of course cookies. We saw a REALLY big block of colby cheese. I wanted to put that in our cart LOL... We walked by the trash bins,very stinky, and all shared lunch at the pizzeria at the end of our tour. Thank you to Miss Gina for the invite!!

Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
June 28th
We spend a lot of time at CoCo's during the summer. She has a pool. We love to swim!!! This picture is of Isaiah and he laid so still on the raft for a very long long time. He loves to be in the water and swim. Joshua is doing much better in the water. He can swim,get rings off the bottom,and he is learning to float! Thanks CoCo for the open pool policy during the summer we would melt without you!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
June 27th

It is just really HOT!!! We close our blinds,turn on all the fans,crank down our A/C, and look at eachother in the living room. Raima says it is even too hot to smoke. imagine that? You know it is HOT if my hubby isn't cleanin' out the garage or smoking on the porch!! We try not to open the door or even go outside. We eat alot of fresh tomato sandwiches and cold salads. NO OVEN OR STOVE!!! It is summer in Bakersfield. I pray for my husband when he has to work outside in the heat. It is defiantly summer and we are hermits in the house unless we are at CoCo's swimming. See ya in September when it starts to cool down...
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